Uw partner in alle uitdagende waterprojecten

Met bewezen kennis van succesvolle projecten leveren we oplossingen op maat voor uiteenlopende behoeften. Van efficiënte oplossingen voor tuinirrigatie tot innovatieve commerciële vorstbeschermingsprojecten, wij hebben de expertise en ervaring waarop u kunt vertrouwen. Ons toegewijde team combineert kennis van de industrie met geavanceerde technologieën om waterbesparende, kosteneffectieve en duurzame oplossingen te bieden. Of het nu gaat om kleinschalige operaties of grote industriële projecten, wij kunnen u helpen bij het ontwerpen en implementeren van de juiste oplossing. 

Wij kunnen u helpen met:

  • CAD-ontwerp
  • Specificatie en inkoop van onderdelen  
  • Levering vanuit ons Europese distributiecentrum naar uw locatie  
  • Installatie en testen 
  • Volledig projectbeheer

Ontdek onze projecten

Blueberry protection for Hayberries Blueberry

In 2020, 15% of the harvest of the company Hayberries Blueberry was lost because of dry weather. We designed an irrigation system to ensure the berries can withstand very dry summers and are protected from frost in winter.

Read more about blueberry irrigation

Commercial effluent wastewater - The PED System

Livestock farms often have to deal with the disposal of a lot of effluent wastewater. We have designed a filtration and underground drip line system to recycle and reuse wastewater for a world-leading poultry farm. Besides designing the project, we also took care of product supply, installation and commissioning.

Read more about the commercial PED system

Aquafeed: sustainable optimisation in agriculture and nurseries

We implemented a system application where water and, if necessary, fertigation are added to the soil at the right time and in the right amount. By combining the installation of the entire system with the transfer of knowledge, water, energy, and fertilizers are used responsibly.

Horse arena irrigation for Becker Sport

A dry upper layer of sand in a horse arena can cause injuries to horses. Our team in Poland designed an irrigation system for Becker Sport to ensure the horse arena has a firm ground and to prevent dust.

Read more about riding arena irrigation

Theme park irrigation for Irrland Oasis

Our team in Germany designed a smart irrigation system to water over 300,000m² of land for Europe's biggest Oasis theme park, Irrland Oasis. Guidance on installation was also provided by the team.

Read more about park irrigation

Aquafeed: sustainable optimisation in agriculture and nurseries

We implemented a system application where water and, if necessary, fertigation are added to the soil at the right time and in the right amount. By combining the installation of the entire system with the transfer of knowledge, water, energy, and fertilizers are used responsibly.

Leg uw uitdaging voor aan een van onze specialisten en ervaar hoe we een projectoplossing kunnen leveren die aan uw behoeften voldoet.

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